Meeting Close: 8:00 PM
Attendees: Alison Wardrop, Ozzie Ahmed, Steve Cole, Kimberly Namespetra-Sullivan, Donna White, Elizabeth Ney, Jo-Anne Hennig, Lisa Hooper, Jane Barratt, Tabatha Dominguez;
Budget Update:
- Playground GST Carryover: We will not receive this as the School Board made the purchase and we paid the Board for the cost, therefore the Board will get the rebate, not us. The positive spin on this is that we saved a lot on the original purchase by going through the School Board.
- The Parent Involvement Grant is approved and in the bank.
- Most of the allocations for budget are spent although the purchase of a mascot is on hold until next year, and the gym projector, wireless microphone and hush-ups are still pending.
- Alison brought up that the cost of the bus for the choir trip is $700.00 on its own; the Council has still not received a breakdown of the costs from the Choir Director. We are willing to subsidize the bus and the registration cost for the competition, but not for the Wonderland entrance fee up to $1000.00 maximum.
- We will open the next school year with a healthy amount in the bank account.
Turn Off the TV Week:
- Elizabeth spoke with Wilma – materials have been distributed from the Waterloo Region Health Unit. She asked that the kite festival be announced at school.
BBQ Planning:
- One of the clowns is unable to make it that night – waiting on a different clown who may be able to do the night – Thursday, June 18, 2009 (5-7:30pm). The suggestion for Kelly’s Clowns from Guelph was made by Elizabeth, and she will look into contacting them. There is also the suggestion to have the fire truck come, Chuck E Cheese or Moose Winooskis as they will send a mascot. East Side Mario’s can offer gift cards to give out as a sponsorship with the tickets; Tabatha will bring a sample for the next meeting.
- Trying to confirm the price for Dominoes; they mentioned $8.00, but last year it was $7.50. They will only give $6.50 if the school uses the lunch program.
- Food Basics has water on sale for $1.99 for case of 24; Ozzie offered to go pick up and store 14 cases by tomorrow when the sale ends.
- Steve is taking care of the permit; he will look into having the fire truck available.
- The Beat radio station won’t confirm until closer to the date – 5:00 to 6:30pm is the ideal time for them to come.
- We need to know who is actually organizing the Airband, ie. Which teacher(s);
- Looking for pricing at Costco for the hotdog buns and the sausages; Tabatha has offered to look into this.
Parent Seminar Promotion:
- Flyers went home with Grade 1-8s today.
School Update:
- Planning and organization for EQAO – last week of May and 1st week of June is beginning.
- Tabatha spoke about Spirit Days with East Side Marios in order to increase their marketing with families. This could be an evening for the school where a percentage of profits would come back to the school.
- Grad Day will be held Wednesday, June 25, 2009.