Meeting Start: 7:00 PM
Meeting Close: 8:30 PM
Attendees: Richard Marcil, Alison Wardrop, Ozzie Ahmed, Kimberly Namespetra-Sullivan, Barb MacLeod, Steve Cole, Donna White, Lisa Hooper, Jo-Anne Hennig, Elizabeth Ney, Lisa McDonald, Benedictus Soga
Next Meeting: March 25, 2009 at 7:00 PM
1. Junior Choir:- We have a request for a donation that will aid in the ability of approximately 50 regularly participating students to attend the ‘Trills and Thrills’ competition to be held at Canada’s Wonderland in June 2009.
- Richard suggested that the Council subsidize all students, as it was mentioned that some students turned down assistance last year for personal reasons, therefore subsiding all students may alleviate this issue. Council members agreed to this, however an amount will be forthcoming as fundraising is decreased this year.
2. School BBQ: - Thursday, June 18, 2009 is the scheduled tentative date for the BBQ, rain or shine.
- Names of volunteers is still required. Looking for new people to take on positions for next year as many Council members have children moving onto secondary school. Donna will take on booking the radio station.
- Ms. Clifton has offered to run the Airband once again this year.
- BBQs will be booked, 3 chafing dishes (depending on pre-orders), 2 clowns at $250.00, and Dominoes Pizza for the pizza.
- We may also hold a raffle on site for the TV that is being stored in the main office.
- The idea of having something set up at the BBQ for the recruitment of new members was discussed briefly.
3. Budget Update:- The music program had a student donate a cable for an IPOD, so they will not be purchasing a stereo system this school year, saving some money for the Council.
- The Treasures Book program is finally complete. A volunteer is required to oversee the administration of this for next year as Steve Cole will no longer have children at Clemens Mill P.S.
- CCRP sent a cheque for the shortfall from the magazine campaign holding up its end of the original contract.
- Lunch Lady orders are decreasing probably due to the economy not because of the quality of the product, however this will result in a fundraising shortfall. The Council decided to continue with Lunch Lady as alternate programs require volunteers.
4. Program Update:- Richard let the Council know that we will be receiving a $1000.00 from the Province of Ontario towards offering seminars for Clemens Mill parents. He has looked into what KW Counseling has to offer as well as spoken to those who have held them at Silver Heights Public School. It seems that the teen oriented seminars result in higher attendance than generic parenting seminars; this will be further discussed at a later date.
5. School Update:- Public elementary school teachers now have until April 24th to reach collective agreements with their local boards. They were the last group of teachers to settle at the provincial level so they're the only ones that have yet to work out local agreements. The provincial agreement said teachers and boards should reach agreements by March 31th or a mutually agreed-upon date.
- ‘Front and Centre’ will take place next week.
- Tubing trips will happen, (weather permitting).
- March 30, 2009 is the report card date.
- Grade 7 and Grade 8 will be participating in a half day career fair during the third week of May. Interested speakers or parents are required to make this happen.
- May 21, 2009 will be class photo day.
6. Block Parent Program:- The Block Parent Program is in desperate need of volunteers in order to continue in our area.
- Elizabeth mentioned that many parents are unable to participate due to employment conflicts outside the home, as well as the issue of putting a sign in the window only when you are home can be seen as an invitation for burglary when you are not home.
7. Other:- Ozzie brought up the French Immersion minimum hours issue, and the fact that he has found out about meetings regarding the French Immersion Program only after the fact, even after emailing the appropriate person at the WRDSB. Alison suggesting emailing the WRDSB again and checking their website frequently for updates on meetings.