Monday, December 8, 2008

Local program comes up short in French instruction

Waterloo Region's public school board doesn't actually offer an elementary French immersion program as far as the Ministry of Education is concerned.

That's one of the pieces of information trustees heard last night as they debated how the board could retain more students in higher grades. They put off making a decision until their next meeting.

Consultant Wanda West-Gerber said the program as it is doesn't meet the province's definition of immersion because it comes up 328 hours short in French instruction. In Grade 7 and 8, less than half the day is spent in French.

At the current level, students aren't considered to be sufficiently prepared for high school French immersion.

Trustee Kathi Smith said she was disappointed staff didn't agree with a recommendation to try phasing in an immersion-only school, and that they aren't trying harder to attract immigrant parents who might see the value of their children learning multiple languages.

"My concern continues," she said. "We're not attracting students to French. That was the premise we started with."